photoetched parts

dimension of sheets



Material dimensions (mm): A4 A5
Brass 0,1 ; 0,2 ; 0,3 ; 0,4 ; 0,5 300x200 (290x190) 200x150 (190x140)
Brass 0,16  310x220 (300x210) 220x160 (210x150)
ALPAKA 0,15 310x220 (300x210) 220x160 (210x150)
ALPAKA 0,1 ; 0,2 ; 0,3 300x200 (290x190) 200x150 (190x140)



Download our frames for etching plate in PDF format:


Frame ONLY for 0,16mm brass and 0,15 alpaka : 

FrameFor015Alpaka016BrassONLY.pdf (16,7 kB)

Frame for all next materials and thickneses:

FrameFor010-020-030-040-050BrassAlpaka.pdf (18,2 kB)



Hauler s.r.o.

Zabrdovicka 25/2
615 00, BRNO
Czech republic

fax +420 548 221 072
mobile +420 602 765 793

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